An Introduction to Positive Mind Control

An Introduction to Positive Mind Control

Mind control has come a long way since its infancy in the 1920s when German psychiatrist Hans Berger made the first recordings of brain waves with electroencephalography (popularly known as the EEG). The rise and fall of beta and alpha waves were witnessed, and a whole slew of mind control applications have evolved since then – some for nefarious purposes, others for beneficial ones. If you want to be sure to control your own mind before someone else does, read on.


Berger’s groundbreaking discovery is not the beginning of mind control as we know it today, though, nor its denouement. Arguably, meditation is the earliest form of mind control, but historians cannot agree upon the first recorded incidence of monks attempting to control the fluctuations of the mind. Vendantists were likely practicing advanced meditation methods as early as 3000 B.C., and certainly there were Zen monks in Japan, Taoist Chinese, and Hindus in India that were practicing meditation since at least 400 BCE.


Today, you can control a drone with your mind to drop nuclear missiles on foreign soil, or you can play video games that allow you to focus your mind and change your biorhythms to influence a virtual outcome. You can use your mind to remote view, as researched extensively by the CIA since the 1940s, or you can use your mind to open stargates, which was depicted humorously in the movie, The Men Who Stare at Goats, featuring the actor George Clooney.


The US government believes the mind is so malleable, it has spent trillions in black budget projects researching how to control it – but you can do this yourself with the right knowledge and tools.


Make no mistake – the mind is powerful enough to do some phenomenal things. Arguably, anything we can dream of.



So, while the mind is being manipulated for nefarious purposes, you can override all predictive programming by learning your own forms of positive mind control:


Positive Thinking


Positive thinking can be very effective for controlling the mind.  This is very different from wishful thinking, which only reinforces the opposite of what one desires, in most cases.


Tony Robbins once made fun of those who practice positive thinking by saying, “there are no weeds, there are no weeds,” to point out how most of us do this practice all wrong. The truth is, though, that positive thinking doesn’t necessarily make the weeds go away, but it allows the brain to find new ways of getting rid of them.


This doesn’t mean that we pretend bad stuff doesn’t happen, but by learning to control the mind we can greatly influence its habitual thinking, and therefore change our reality – or at least our experience of it.


The Mayo Clinic maintains that positive thoughts and good self-talk results in an increased life span, lower rates of depression and stress. Positive thinking also leads to greater resistance to colds, better psychological and physical well-being along with better cardiovascular health.


A strange thing happens too, when we are positive in the face of challenge and pain. We get through it. We even grow from it. Stress for the sake of stress is no good, but new research shows that a good attitude about adversity can cause us to have emotional and physiological breakthroughs.


Creative Visualization


The best examples of the power of visualization can be seen in the ways that professional athletes use this tool to influence their future performance. It is so effective, that there are almost no pro athletes that don’t rely on some sort of visualization technology to “up their game.”


It works because practice makes perfect, and the brain cannot tell the difference between “real” practice and imagined practice. When an NBA player cannot practice their perfect free-throw shot from the line on a court, he does it in his mind, visualizing the crowd cheering as the ball goes in the hoop, nothing but net, hearing the swoosh and imaging wiping the sweat from his brow.


Just ten minutes of visualization every day can be even more effective than big chunks of visualization time, so anyone can practice this form of mind control to influence a positive outcome in his or her life.


 Binaural Meditations to Influence Whole Brain Cognition


When the whole brain is working instead of either the left or right hemisphere being more dominant, we are not only more creative and intelligent, but we are kinder, more resilient and more empathetic to others. Fortunately, there are a slew of binaural recordings, and meditations that help train our brains to think more cohesively. Here are seven you can listen to for free to start out.


Mindfulness Exercises


Meditation and mindfulness exercises are different dependent upon the outcome desired, and the tradition from which they are learned.


When Zen and Tibetan Buddhists practice meditations based in loving-kindness and compassion, their brain waves change to allow a more compassionate attitude. You read that right – you can train your brain to be more compassionate. It’s like learning to play the piano or tie your shoes.


If your goal is to become more detached from the material world, there are meditations for that, too.


Want to learn more? Try over 22 different mindfulness exercises here.


Soul Reprogramming Method


Of course, the Soul Reprogramming Method also allows a deep restructuring of the DNA and a subconscious-level change in the mind, thus changing your thoughts. This results in a different experience.


As you take control over your own mind, you can influence it toward any dream you desire – any outcome you can fathom. It starts with the desire, and magically your mind creates, as in the virtual video games we can now influence with our brain waves – a whole new world.


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