Can You Send Your Cells Back in Time?

Can You Send Your Cells Back in Time?

Scientists at the University of Central Florida (UCF) have devised a way of sending adult stem cells back in time, and Shinya Yamanaka and John Gurdon were in Nobel Prize territory for their discovery that even non-stem adult cells can be epigenetically reprogrammed backward to a state where they could become a neural cell, cardiac cells, skeletal muscle cell, insulin-producing cells, and so on, with nearly infinite possibilities.

This discovery has far-reaching implications when we consider that diseased and “tired” cells which have aged badly could be returned to a pre-decision state – before we even know what kind of cell they are going to be. Yes, we really can send our cells back in time.

That’s more than a blank canvas our bodies could return to. It’s like giving an artist paints, brushes, clay, water colors, pastels, paper, and a bunch of other mediums to decide exactly what they want to create – from scratch. Ostensibly, we’d get healthy, vital cells that would result in a highly upgraded body and mind.

Just as an example of the possibilities available via genetic stem cell alteration exists in the Japanese man who was the first to receive reprogrammed stem cells from another person to stop muscular degeneration. However, the genetic material for this stem cell “transfusion” was gotten from embryos – a highly controversial method of supporting human health which brings into question, the first spark of human personhood.

The UCF scientists changed stem cells by using gene transfection (the insertion of genetic material) to coax mesenchymal stem cells to return to an embryonic state, but there is a better way. One which does not require the alteration of another’s cells, in the embryo of a human fetus or otherwise.

Instead of relying simply on genetic material we can use epigenetic changes to alter stem cell “frequencies” and thus their future cellular formation.

The problem, as Dr. Carlo Ventura describes it, is that despite these new achievements,

“. . . stem cell commitment and differentiation is still poorly understood, and it represents an extremely low-yield process, especially for a number of commitment that have long been considered as a major target in regenerative medicine including, as I said, the cardiac differentiation neurogenesis or the transformation into vascular cells. You have to consider that usually the differentiation of an embryonic cell into a cardiac cell; it’s a very low-yield process. It’s about 0.002% of the overall differentiating potential of the stem cells within the embryonic body. [Meaning the success rate is still not consistent]

So, the main message is that we need to talk to stem cells or even to adult non-stem somatic cells to re-awake their healing potential insofar it was believed that all the chemistry may be able to talk to our genes or to handle the epigenetic information stored within DNA module.”

In other words, we need to talk in the cell’s language to get them to return to an embryonic state – without having to insert genetic material. We do this with healing modalities like those offered within the Soul Reprogramming Method’s tool belt.

A person who does not have their 12-strand DNA activated will not be able to apply the cellular reprogramming to themselves or others, because the energies that are managed during an astral healing, are of higher frequencies than the individuals non-reprogrammed DNA could access. However, once the trainings have been conducted and the 12-strand DNA is activated, the practitioner can “talk” in the cells language.

The cells can then be encouraged to return to an earlier state of being – one of health, vitality, and infinite possibility before taking form once again as a heart cell, a lung cell, a non-cancerous breast cell, or any other cell, as it is directed by our conscious intention. This is the scientifically supported phenomenon of epigenetic healing. No time-machine needed.


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