Healing Subconscious Memories the Easy Way

Healing Subconscious Memories the Easy Way

The subconscious mind does not recognize time and space. It’s like the tip of a glacier peeking out from the surface of the ocean – with miles and miles more of solid ice lurking beneath the shimmering surface. This is why people who lived through trauma once, often live through it again and again. They don’t realize that the tip of the iceberg is their experienced reality, while the driving force stays hidden away below sea level, or “see” level. Our memories aren’t truly healed, though, until the experience of the traumatic event is wrestled free from the subconscious mind, and dealt with appropriately.

It is Impossible to Heal with Will Alone

Many people with good intentions try to heal themselves, but end up just slapping a Band-Aid on whatever troubles are currently manifesting in their lives. They don’t realize that their current relationships, finances, job performance, or even phobias are the result of deeply held beliefs and experiences.

Survivors of trauma often become hyper-vigilant. Their fight-or-flight response goes on overdrive. Their minds don’t know the difference between being beaten or sexually abused ten years ago, or today. Sadly, these people will experience PTSD-like symptoms, never realizing that the true root of their trauma is hidden in their subconscious mind.

This is an extreme example of the subconscious mind at work, but it also works in more subtle ways, shaping our beliefs about everything – from the way our bodies perform, to our intelligence, to our ability to be creative and successful.

The subconscious is why self-defeating habits continue even when someone has a very strong will to stop. This means that a smoking habit will continue, or that tendency to find a romantic partner who doesn’t love and appreciate you will continue until you heal the hurt from a sub-conscious level. Subterranean thought is ruling your world and you don’t even know it!

This is also why disease persists even when we address it from a purely physical level. Unless we unearth the subconscious belief that started the dis-ease in the body, a disease might disappear temporarily, but then return. For instance, it has been found that many breast cancer sufferers have a deep resentment or hurt that they have not yet been able to forgive. Those with rheumatoid arthritis are clinging to something that they can’t seem to let go off, and heart attack victims often literally harbor a broken heart.

No Blaming the Chromosomes!

While it seem easy to blame our parents and grandparents, for passing down genes that cause depression or cancer, or heart disease, what is passed down isn’t the disease, but the emotional pattern, or habit of thinking. This is what causes a disease to manifest. These emotional or thought patterns are also passed down in regard to our expectations for love, money, success, and other important life goals.

In Bruce Lipton’s groundbreaking work he found that the genome project was a total waste of time, and billions of dollars of scientific research, because genes don’t cause disease, or sadness. Genes are simply turned on and off by our thoughts and beliefs – especially the subconscious ones!

Insight Alone is Not Sufficient to Make Lasting Changes

Many of us have internalized unconscious self-sabotaging behaviors, and until these are addressed no amount of positive thinking or affirmations will really change a person’s reality or move them closer to their goals.

Our subconscious mind operates 95% of the day following the conditioned programs and thoughts. If we have adopted subconscious limiting thoughts like “I am not good enough” or “I can’t” or “I don’t deserve it”, then for 95% of the day, the mind will create a reality in coherence with these deeply held beliefs.

These limiting beliefs can be formed in many ways:

  • familial
  • cultural
  • societal
  • environmental, or
  • collective subconscious beliefs

Five Researched Healing Modalities that Reach the Subconscious

There are many healing protocols which can help cure the subconscious mind of its negate beliefs, without having to redress every hurt or wrong that someone else did to us. This is the method normally used by traditional psychotherapy, and why it can take so long, and sometimes doesn’t work. This method also doesn’t usually get to beliefs passed down for two, three, or even ten generations!

A few healing modalities aside from working with a Shaman who uses plant herbs like Ayuhasca, or having a near death experience can actually locate subconscious beliefs, and change them very simply.

Among all the healing modalities that really work, there is one commonality – they all instill a whole brain state. In the whole brain state, the brain doesn’t go back and forth between the left and right hemispheres but communicates fully, all at once, with neuronal activity lighting up everywhere on magnetic resonance and quantum resonance imaging devices.

The Soul Reprogramming Method

The Soul Reprogramming Method, was developed by Johanna Bassols at Healers of the Light Academy. It resets and updates the entire DNA system, releasing any imbalances of the elements. These imbalances are the cause of malfunction in the human operating system at all levels, including the subconscious mind. Traumatic memories, recurring negative thoughts, mental blockages and obsolete ideas, are all cause of imbalances of elements in the body and brain cells, as a result of their storage in the subconscious mind.


PSYCH-K, founded by friend and peer of Bruce Lipton, Rob Williams, is a scientific and psychological process designed to rewrite the subconscious mind’s “software” for personal empowerment and performance. Based on brain dominance theory, quantum science and neuroscience; PSYCH-K also utilizes principles of mind/body/spirit integration. Scientific research proves that PSYCH-K generates a “Whole-Brain State” featuring a bilateral, symmetrical brain wave pattern. The result of a PSYCH-K balance equilibrates the brains two hemispheres, enabling nearly immediate subconscious mindset changes.

Neurophone and Other Whole Brain Entrainment Devices

Patrick Flanagan developed a device in the 1950s for which he received a US patent, but has largely been ignored by mainstream neuroscience. His device called the Neurophone, which is currently sold as a speed learning device (likely to avoid US FDA issues) has been proven to induce a whole-brain state, which would mean it could be used to teach ourselves new, better subconscious beliefs that are empowering and positive. You can read more about Flanagan’s research surrounding this device, here. His is among other entrainment devices that seem to help support brain wave states that allow us to access our subconscious beliefs for a “tune up.”

The Soul Reprogramming Method

This method was developed by Johanna Bassols at Healers of the Light Academy. It resets and updates the entire DNA system, releasing any imbalances of the elements. These imbalances are the cause of malfunction in the human operating system at all levels, including the subconscious mind. Traumatic memories, recurring negative thoughts, mental blockages and obsolete ideas, are all cause of imbalances of elements in the body and brain cells, as a result of their storage in the subconscious mind.


Different meditation protocols, whether they are Vipassana, Buddhist meditation, secular breathing meditations, or Zen all help to dislodge subconscious refuse so that we can see what is rally ‘running the show’ behind the curtain. Simply by sitting in meditation for twenty minutes to an hour every day, we can unearth limiting and self-sabotaging beliefs, and then use self-love, compassion, and other healing modalities like reiki, quantum healing, etc. to help nurture new, helpful beliefs in their place.


Hypnosis – either conducted with a certified practitioner or done yourself with tools like Yoga Nidra help you to bypass your Conscious mind by helping it to relax. When the conscious mind moves out of the way, subconscious beliefs can then be realized, and changed.

In short, unless we address our subconscious programming, most of our attempts to improve our lives will be wasted effort. Using the healing protocols mentioned above, we can easily and effortlessly heal our most deeply held beliefs, curing our bodies, minds, hearts, and souls for good.

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