How Your DNA is Affected by Quantum Intelligence

How Your DNA is Affected by Quantum Intelligence

Yes, you can change your DNA, but Quantum Intelligence alters it from a more profound (subtle yet powerful) energetic level that is measurable and real. Once we understand how Quantum Intelligence works, we can more easily help the process of altering our DNA along – to achieve greater health, happiness, and remarkable spiritual transformation. Like a potter creating a masterwork, we can also change our bodies and minds with the help of a few simple tools.

With all the talk of altering our DNA, sometimes it is good to understand exactly how this process might work, from both a physical and a non-physical perspective.

The ability to influence our DNA is now undeniable, both cellular biologists, and geneticists alike are beginning to understand epi-genetic interplay, a Greek term meaning “beyond genetics.”

Bruce Lipton, and others have made it clear that we can alter heritable traits in our gene expression that do not involve the underlying DNA sequence. We change the phenotype without changing the genotype. But this single change causes a host of natural and phenomenal changes in the human body and mind.

At least three systems are involved in altering our DNA from a purely physical standpoint: DNA methylation, histone modification and non-coding RNA (ncRNA)-associated gene silencing, but these are not the only methods of gene alteration.

However, the founder of the Heart Math Institute, Doc Childre offers his own theory of how DNA is altered. It encapsulates the same understanding of DNA programming that Johanna Bassols received in a spiritual transmission—that the heart must become involved.

Childre postulated that “an energetic connection or coupling of information” occurs between the DNA in cells and higher dimensional structures – the higher self or spirit.

Childre further explained, “The heart serves as a key access point through which information originating in the higher dimensional structures is coupled into the physical human system (including DNA), and that states of heart coherence generated through experiencing heartfelt positive emotions increase this coupling.”

The heart, which generates a much stronger electromagnetic field than the brain’s, provides the energetic field that binds together the higher dimensional structures and the body’s many physical (and etheric) systems as well as its DNA.

Childre’s theory of heart intelligence proposes that “individuals who are able to maintain states of heart coherence have increased coupling to the higher dimensional structures and would thus be more able to produce changes in the DNA.”

This is further evidenced in the heart’s own electrical activity. It is estimated that the heart’s endogenous electromagnetic field is as much as 100 times greater than that of the human brain.

Every mammal reacts to the influence of EMFs. On the cellular level, cell membranes, mitochondria and nuclei are the most sensitive. Effects of EMFs depend on many factors, such as age – children and older people are more reactive, for example, but everyone is affected.

Your DNA is affected directly by this electromagnetic communication field created by an interaction between yourself and the Quantum Field, or Infinite Intelligence – and is transmuted through the heart!

This is one reason why clearing your thoughts of negativity, eating less processed food, animal products, and finding a quiet place to meditate all help to alter your DNA – these practices allow the energetics of the heart, which are in direct communication with the Quantum Field at all times – to transmit its healing energy. This healing energy is nothing more than a blueprint for the highest level of organization – the opposite of entropy, which causes death, disease, and depression.

Unconditional love – derived from learned or programmed heart consciousness, allows things which are seemingly disparate and destructive, to come together in harmony. This process happens when we meditate. We go inside ourselves and learn how to confront the disharmonious ordering our own thoughts and perceptions. As we re-organize those perceptions into a more cohesive, less chaotic state, we experience a greater ability to empathize with others, forgive, live in harmony with nature, experience spiritual bliss, become free from bodily sickness, etc.

There is evidence of this incredible phenomenon in a 1993 study of the Maharishi Effect. 4000 practitioners of transcendental meditation meditated on peace, and lowered the crime rate in their area by 23 percent.

Just imagine that amount of change you can affect in your own DNA with consistent quantum-level healing from coherent heart-brain functioning – all facilitated through your own choices, but altered at the level of Quantum Intelligence!

The Soul Reprogramming Method is a metaphysics healing technique based on the premise that anything material (as we perceive it) was originated from a non physical form. This form is directly communicating with the heart. As we purify our heart’s electromagnetic resonance, we can change not only ourselves but the

World we live in. DNA is just the beginning.

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