You Can’t Fake Holofractal DNA

You Can’t Fake Holofractal DNA

The biotech industry is so keen on reproducing or altering your DNA, that they’ve created “synthetic DNA,” but are these extremes truly necessary when we can alter our DNA, the biological stuff we were born with, without Frankensteinian methods?[1]

Though scientists have created a synthetic material that acts like DNA in that it can store information and evolve over several generations, I can assure you, it is nothing like the real thing.

While researchers may have developed a chemical procedure to turn DNA and RNA, the molecular blueprints for all known life, into six alternative genetic polymers called XNAs, they don’t contain the messaging power of biological DNA. How could they?

Do these scientists believe that some polymers can act as quantum DNA does, allowing for our reality which is just flashing in and out of existence, hypothetically at Planck time – 1044 times per second – as explained by The Resonance Project biophysicist William Brown?

These “experts” tinkering with our DNA are the same scientists who have relegated more than 96 percent of our genetic code to “junk.”

Our biological, natural DNA is intelligently interacting with the quantum field at every moment because it is alive – not some silicon, synthetic representation of DNA.

This is what makes it so difficult to copy with mere chemical means, and also why we are gifted with an infinite ability to alter it ourselves. As we think, as we act, so does our DNA change. Our DNA is not a mere polymer; it can perform miracles!

The emergence of form and function through the organism, all of which is facilitated by consciousness, is expressed through DNA. And even though researchers on the “cutting edge” of this science at New York University,[2] [3] for example, who are looking at systems and organizational behavior, still don’t fully grasp the power of consciousness to inform the material world.

As Brown explains, there is a morphogenetic aspect that moves beyond even the epigenetic aspect as described popularly by cell biologist Bruce Lipton. Rupert Sheldrake is another forerunner for this concept.

A morphogenetic field encompasses an understanding that our biology extends beyond what we can see – it extends into a field; it is not a set of isolated building blocks or objects in the mechanistic view. As Brown says, “it is a musical ensemble, and that sound vibration is reaching every constituent molecule of a cell. That is a field-like behavior.” The field is not localized.[4]

It is multi-dimensional. It’s very nature is multi-dimensional, and therefore, one can only surmise that the primary method of communication – our DNA – to our cells is also multi-dimensional, or holofractal.

What is holofractal DNA then? One could argue this point because the study of the holofractal Universe is still in its infancy[5], with the original idea that our Universe may be a hologram coming from the study of black holes, and the assumption by physicists that the Universe stores information (just like our DNA) holographically.

As Alex Vikoulov explains, “One of the starting assumptions of Quantum Mechanics was that information could be stored in every volume of space. But any patch of space can potentially become a black hole, nature’s densest file folder, which stores information in bits of area. Perhaps, then, all that’s needed to describe a patch of space, black hole or otherwise, is that surface area’s content of information. The idea was named the Holographic Principle, after the way that a hologram encodes 3D information on a 2D surface.”

However, even this notion has been expanded. And the likes of even late physicist David Joseph Bohm’s[6] theories had to be augmented.

A group of scientists, now including Brown and Sheldrake, suppose that a non-computable macroscopic property (which Sheldrake calls the morphogenetic field) is underlying all this biological complexity. That physical systems may exhibit at a certain threshold of complexity, but “the whole is greater and unpredictable that the sum of its constituent parts,” and thus plays the most crucial role in the fundamental process of evolution.[7]

This means that our DNA is the proverbial onion that Richard Feymann bowed to when asked about an underlying organizing principle of the entire Universe.

“Are you looking for the ultimate laws of physics?” No, I’m not. . .  If it turns out there is a simple ultimate law which explains everything, so be it that would be very nice to discover. If it turns out it’s like an onion with millions of layers… then that’s the way it is.”  ~ Richard Feymann

In brief, scientists cannot recreate DNA in the form of a polymer or some other chemistry experiment because it is a non-local, holofractal communication system which itself is part of the Universal WHOLE. It cannot be reduced to parts, only influenced with the consciousness that helps to create its expression. This is because each tiny unit of information — a cell, a molecule, etc. down to planck units even — contain the information of the whole. Now try to chemically alter or copy that.



[1] DNA Alternative Created by Scientists. The Guardian.

[2] Course Description. NYU. New York University Tandon School of Engineering.

[3] Cutting Edge Research. Cardio Computing. NYU Magazine.

[4] The Hidden Power of DNA with William Brown.

[5] Vikoulov, Alex. From the Holographic Principle to the Holofractal Principle.

[6] David J. Bohm, 74, Physicist and Writer on Quantum Theory. New York Times.

[7] Quantum Complexity. Emergence.


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