The Soul Reprogramming Method is a vibrational energy healing therapy that allows you to identify and restructure energetic imbalances in all of your systems, physical and non-physical, that are the cause of conflicting behaviors, relationships, negative thinking and the attracting force for specific life programs that match those imbalances.
An “imbalance”, energetically speaking, is all that which blocks you from being your true self or original persona. All the false identities and their patterns that are crystallized in your mind, body, and perception are an imbalance.
This healing is based on the premise that anything material (as we perceive it) was originated from a non physical form.
Our body and cells, don’t know the distinction between a physical experience and an energetic one. When we think of sucking on a lemon, the same effect is produced in the body as if we were doing it in the physical level.
In the same way, the body and cells respond to healing when applied at an energetic level.