Spiritual Manifestation and Growth 2019 guide
This year I’ve shared with you many of the key teachings and wisdom that have been valuable for my own spiritual development. Everything that I share is only a product...
Spiritual Manifestation and Growth 2019 guide
This year I’ve shared with you many of the key teachings and wisdom that have been valuable for my own spiritual development. Everything that I share is only a product...
8 Ways to Boost Your Serotonin Levels (The Mood...
There are thousands of neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) at work in your brain, constantly being released via neural pathways created by axons and special branches that reach out from your brain...
8 Ways to Boost Your Serotonin Levels (The Mood...
There are thousands of neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) at work in your brain, constantly being released via neural pathways created by axons and special branches that reach out from your brain...
How to Induce More Theta Brainwaves For Heighte...
Most of us live in our conscious thoughts, but about 95% of what we do – almost every action we take – is based on the subconscious programming of the...
How to Induce More Theta Brainwaves For Heighte...
Most of us live in our conscious thoughts, but about 95% of what we do – almost every action we take – is based on the subconscious programming of the...
10 Ways to Hack Higher Dopamine Levels (and You...
While there are many neurotransmitters that contribute to your overall state of well-being and happiness, including serotonin, oxytocin, GABA, and endorphins, dopamine can significantly contribute to and uplifted mood and...
10 Ways to Hack Higher Dopamine Levels (and You...
While there are many neurotransmitters that contribute to your overall state of well-being and happiness, including serotonin, oxytocin, GABA, and endorphins, dopamine can significantly contribute to and uplifted mood and...
Are Your Psychosomatic Patterns Helping or Harm...
No, you aren’t a hypochondriac, but what if we told you that all illness is psychosomatic – that’s right, your cold, your back pain, and even things like cancer take...
Are Your Psychosomatic Patterns Helping or Harm...
No, you aren’t a hypochondriac, but what if we told you that all illness is psychosomatic – that’s right, your cold, your back pain, and even things like cancer take...
Breathing Technique To Improve Your Meditation
Breathing is the language of consciousness. Consciousness is housed in the center of every atom in your body. Your body responds to your breathing signals, connecting the brain and body...
Breathing Technique To Improve Your Meditation
Breathing is the language of consciousness. Consciousness is housed in the center of every atom in your body. Your body responds to your breathing signals, connecting the brain and body...