Essentials of Pranic Healing

Essentials of Pranic Healing

If you are to understand pranic healing, you need to understand prana. Prana is another word for what the Chinese call “qi,” the Greeks called “pneuma,” and the ancient Hebrews called “rauch,” and the Polynesians call “mana.” This vital life force that animates us translates into more than a hundred words in cultures all over the world.

If we translate “qi” from the Chinese language it means “the breath of heaven.” The ancient Vedic term “prana” is the same. In Sanskrit it means, “primary energy.” All worldly objects are infused with this vital essence, including you. If this is the primary energy, it is erroneous to assume that prana is not of importance in healing.

To access prana we must access something that we can’t necessarily see, but that has an immediate effect on how we feel, and our overall physical and mental health.

There are seven essential ways to increase your pranic energy – which is really universal energy that you have access to at any time. It is increased by balancing the natural elements within you: earth, air, fire, water, and ether:

  1. Surround yourself with people who are in tune with joy and gratitude. According to David Hawkin’s Research, there is an energetic scale of vibration in which we all are participating based upon our emotions. His work involved mapping the scale of consciousness. Shame, guilt, apathy, and grief are the lowest on the scale, vibrating at about 20, and love, joy, peace, etc. vibrate between 500 and 600. The higher you can move your emotional vibration on the scale, the more powerful your pranic energy will be. [1]
  • Practice deep, pranic breathing. This is an easy way to increase your pranic energy no matter where you are. Sit comfortably upright, with your back straight. If it is appropriate, you can close your eyes, and take your focus within. Allow your tongue to rest on the roof of your mouth. Take a deep breath, and exhale every last drop of air fro your lungs by gently pulling your belly in (this will cause your diaphragm to move up and push extra, stale air out of the lungs). Don’t strain, but this should be a deeper breath than you might be used to taking. Close your mouth and breathe in again slowly, silently taking air through both nostrils. Allow your lungs to fill from bottom to top, without lifting your shoulders, but fully.  Your abdomen will move out and down as your lungs fill completely. Pause for a moment feeling the fullness of your breath, and then slowly exhale, again letting every last drop of air escape. Repeat up to ten times, resting when needed.
  • Spend time in nature. Nature offers a mindlessly simple way of altering our vibration and thus increasing our pranic energy. The sounds, sights, and movements of nature are more in sync with our natural rhythms – not the ones forced upon us by a too-busy world. Go on a walk in nature, or just sit in a forest or by an ocean or river and observe. This practice will balance your own elements and reset your pranic baseline.
  • Eat pranic-restoring foods. Plant based foods, clean water, and high-vibrating foods – those that are grown organically, in season, and picked at their prime and eaten as soon as possible, all contain pranic energy that is then conveyed to your body.
  • Move your body. Exercise in moderation restores your pranic energy. The movement of blood and lymph through your body is akin to the flow of rivers and streams. It helps to move things out of your body that should not be in it, and to inhibit energetic stagnancy.
  • Meditate. Meditation alters your brain wave frequency and thus the entire hormonal cascade within you. The more relaxed and aware your brain waves are, the higher your pranic energy.
  • Practice yoga. Yoga postures have a specific effect on our energy meridians – called simply nadis, in Sanskrit. These are akin to the energy ley lines of the body that are described in ancient Chinese Medicine. When you practice downward facing dog or tree pose, you are opening the pathways through which prana can flow.

[1] David Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness – Crazy, or Crazy Insightful? (2018, January 9). Retrieved from

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