Can You Really Change Your Genes?

Can You Really Change Your Genes?

Experimental gene therapy which aimed to help an 18-year-old patient with liver disease at the turn of the century failed miserably. Since that time, gene therapy – the ability to treat our genes like computer bugs, and replace non-healthy genes with healthy ones – has become all the rage. However, despite the popularity of an emerging science and successful uses of gene editing, we need to be very careful not to edit out the very genes that we may need to grow spiritually, emotionally, and even to heal physically. Conducting your own gene therapy might be a safer way to address underlying “programs” in our DNA that are unfavorable.

Scientists treat gene therapy like an elegant new application of art, but genome therapy, as it is called, where biologists edit the underlying germline is not without some serious ethical issues, and physiological concerns.

Genome editing translates to the modification of DNA, but as we have learned recently, our DNA doesn’t necessarily need to be altered by “cutting” it out or simply editing it out. If edits are made in the wrong place, for example, (i.e. some cells carry the intended edit and others don’t) there can be very serious implications.

We are still not certain what all of our DNA is intended for, and scientists often play the editing game, willy-nilly, with little regard for the parts of our DNA which we have yet to fully comprehend the purpose of.

For example, certain gene keys may unlock hidden potentials in our DNA. It was only recently that scientists discovered and published in the journal Science, a secondary code written on top of our existing DNA code. Also, if we are to continue the metaphor of our DNA being like a computer code, perpetrator DNA, just as in digital data, can easily be overwritten to leave no trace of the original data. This means that the plans of the Greater Intelligence can be thwarted (if only temporarily) to prohibit DNA meant to trigger us into enlightened states – juts as a singular example of how important it is to carefully alter DNA, instead of simply “editing it” as is often done with CRISPR and other gene editing technologies.

Some even attest that we have the potential to trigger 12 strands of holographic code written on our two physical DNA strands. This is likely what scientists have called “junk” DNA, simply because they don’t understand what it is really for. Scientists only recently presented evidence for this “expanding” DNA which unpacks like an accordion of information, with an astounding set of implications for what it might encode.

Our “original” DNA, for example, likely had more than two-strands (at least holographically) encoded for us to not only have perfect health and longevity beyond what we are familiar with today, but also to trigger states of consciousness that are also our birthrights – such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, bi-location, deep intuition connected to the Infinite Source, and more.

Instead of allowing scientists to create endless chimera human beings for their amusement and self-congratulation, we need to realize that our DNA is already coded with everything it needs to fight disease. In fact, the mental, emotional, and physiological programs we currently choose through our diets, our attitudes, our ability to love, and be in a state of heart-brain coherence, are likely much more profound for reversing liver disease, as in the case of our 18-year-old-patient that died due to early attempts at gene therapy (editing), or any other common disease today from heart disease to diabetes or even cancer.

Instead, we can simply choose our “programs” and allow our DNA to express differently, without editing our any vital parts of it which may be needed to help us achieve higher states of awareness and spiritual evolution. Our DNA doesn’t need to be edited, but rebalanced with the mental and spiritual programs we run to signal that DNA how to behave within our bodies. This will then message our cells, our nervous systems, our brains, etc. to behave in ways that are harmonious and life-affirming.

If you want to “edit” your genes, you simply need to run new programs which will then signal foundational proteins to behave in specific ways. (Read more about how this happens, here).

While gene editing may currently be en vogue, the true purpose of our DNA is still being explored. We should all be very leery of anyone trying to remove parts of our DNA which may contain holographically coded instructions to help us overcome disease naturally, but more importantly, to become the spiritual beings we were meant to express most fully.

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